At Prestonwood Christian Academy, as a Christian, liberal arts PreK-12 school, faith is not separated from learning, but rather integrated intentionally, resulting in a distinctive environment and community. We cultivate intelligent Christ followers who can articulate their worldview in a marketplace full of opposing ideas and ideology!
What are some of the values taught at a Prestonwood Christian Academy?
There are parents who see that things are happening in some schools that may not reinforce what you want to see in the home. In fact, these things may run counter to what you want to see in the home. There are formative ages in K-12 where children need reinforcement at the school level, where they can see God in mathematics, are able to experience Christ in science or understand that there are biblical principles in history and can stay true to patriotic measures. I think we experience these values resonating with people.
What is the culture of learning like at Prestonwood Christian Academy?
What you’re going to get is a much more kid-centered concentric individualized education. We can provide individualized attention to each student due to smaller class sizes. Students feel very loved at PCA. There is a sense of camaraderie on campus.
Why is the mission of Prestonwood Christian Academy’s essential?
In today’s culture, we must be grounded and rooted in who we are in Christ. Our children cannot survive with shallow roots, which is why we provide the ability for them to build strong, deep roots. This way, when the storms come, the students can withstand any and every challenge they face in school and beyond.
What is Prestonwood Christian Academy's education philosophy?
Prestonwood Christian Academy was established in 1997 with the core philosophy of Kingdom education; bringing the home, church and school into a partnership for the purpose of training the next generation. Kingdom education is the life-long, Bible-based, Christ-centered process of leading a child into a new identity with Christ. At PCA we develop a child according to his or her specific abilities given to them by God, so they feel empowered to live a life characterized by love, trust and obedience to Him.